下面的作品来自一个叫Matthew Bartik的艺术家,加上丰富的想象力,他用大家司空见惯的叉子做出了一件件的艺术品。值得一提的是,这些作品并没有经过焊接或粘结处理,而是利用叉子本身的特点进行拼接组合。
更多作品请点击Matthew Bartik官方网站
"If you see a fork in the road, buy it!"
Most people view a fork as just that, a fork. Matthew Bartik has taken it one step further and improved them into art. Many of the works have become, in their own way, alive through the different forms they have taken.
There is no welding, soldering, glue, or strings attached to these art forms. Each and every piece of fork art is constructed from stainless steel forks and is shaped fromt he strength of Matthew's arms and hands and the tool of his trade, pliers. Matthew has used many different brands and styles of forks with different varying degrees of success and uses differences to his advantage when producing different works.
Many of the pieces that Matthew makes today were originally requests from customers and clients. Other pieces have been the brainchild of the artist himself. Matthew prides himself on the ability to create anything given enough time and enough materials. There is nothing he is not willing to try.
Matthew Bartik hails from Mariaville, a small town in upstate New York. He graduated from the State University of New York at New Paltz in May of 2004 and is pursuing his ambitions of being self-reliant upon his artwork.
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